
1. Building and Construction Engineering

Building and Construction Engineering is a major that has very good prospects for now and in the future. The speed of growth in the field of real estate (residential, offices, apartments, commercial center/mall, as well as the government development projects in structure/infrastructure) certainly requires human resources having the ability in the both field such as building construction experts or architectural drawings experts and a chance to work in Japan.


2. Furniture Engineering

Furniture Engineering is a major that produces qualified human resources and have entrepreneurial spirit in the field of furniture. It provides the students basic education to know kinds of wood such as teak, mahogany, Rosewood, camphor, types of teakwood and wood industry and design knowledge, such as ethnic furniture, minimalist furniture, classic furniture, garden furniture, the type of doors and sills.


3. Audio Video Engineering

Electronics Audio Video both as a means of entertainment and household tools, means of communication or as a means of supporting other’s work is already a common need in everyday life. SMK N 4 Jakarta through Audio Video Major prepares the students to be able to work well and professional in the field of Audio Video industry, both as an engineer in the electronics industry or an entrepreneur in the field of repairing radios, televisions, VCD, DVDs and other electronic equipment.


4. Industrial Electronics Engineering

Industrial Electronics Engineering Major is preparing skilled and competent workers in controlling analog and digital electronics, microprocessor and microcontroller, computer interfacing techniques and programmers, sensor system and transducer, pneumatic and hydraulic, PLC program and electrical control, controlling techniques, conveyor systems and robotics industry, security systems and occupational health and environment (She) in the industry.


5. Mechatronics Engineering

Mechatronics is a combination of mechanical electronics and informatics. Graduates are able to design, operate and maintain the machine controlled electronically in electronic program using PLC and computer. In addition, able to operate industrial machinery like Automation Machine and maintain the machine industry based Pneumatic Hydraulic and others.


6. Electrical Installation Engineering

Electrical Installation Engineering educates students with skills in planning the installation of lighting, installing the installation and operating the electric motor controller with electronic or electromechanical control, PLC (Programmable Logic Control). Maintain and repair electrical household and cooling system, as well as rewinding/roll back electric motors, so that graduates can work either independently or to fill existing jobs in the business world /industry as middle-level manpower.


7. Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Major provides students with the skills of machinery including operating production machines with CNC (Computer Numerical Control), lathes, scrap machine, milling machine, drilling machine, grinding machine and sharpening cutting tools, welding and metal fabrication technology. Students are also provided with knowledge to read and draw with manual technique and CAD (Computer Aided Design), the introduction and processing of materials, measure with precision mechanical gauge, use hand tools and do basic calculations.


8. Metal fabrication Engineering

Metal fabrication Engineering produces graduates skilled, knowledgeable and excellent character as a Labor candidate for the middle level in planning and processing of metal fabrication or as a welder certified BNSP at least 3G/3F for some types of welding especially SMAW/MMAW (Manual Metal Arc Welding), GMAW (Gas Arc Welding) and as a potential young entrepreneurs in the field of welding and fabrication.


9. Automotive Engineering

Rapid development of the automobile, either for the purposes of the vehicle as well as the commerce/industry is the prospect of graduates’ labor market of Automotive Engineering major prepares students to be able and skillful to work in the automotive field, as a mechanic, an  operator, an entrepreneur or continuing study to International or private College.


10. Autotronic Engineering

Autotronic Engineering provides the students with the knowledge in Automotive electrical and electronic so they are able to work as entrepreneur or to fill labor market in the automotive industry. The graduates are capable of working as a middle-level manpower/young executive/associate in the field of automotive.


11. Computer Network Engineering

Computer Network Engineering major prepares experts in the field of computer networks such as server administration, computer technicians, IT support, installation of routers, web-programming, etc. Computer Network Engineering currently has been widely utilized as a medium for delivering information and data in an efficient and effective system of the intranet or the internet.

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