JAKARTA (Pos Kota) – Hundreds of job seekers join the free labor market in Job Fair 2012, first held in SMKN 4 Jakarta, Monday (22/10). Since morning job seekers, most of them are vocational school graduates, are already queued for preparing to apply for the vacancies followed by 16 companies.
“While there is a free labor market, hopefully I can get a job,” said Sugio Pranoto, alumni SMKN 4 Jakarta in 2011/2012 which come with some friends.
Inaugural event is opened by Head of North Jakarta Education Agency (Dikmen) North Jakarta, Andri Kunarso accompanied by Principal of SMKN 4, Wahidin Ganef. Andri is proud of the breakthrough of SMKN 4 holding the job market.
In fact, he hopes this event can be held more frequently to absorb many job seekers and also can inspire other schools to hold a similar event.
“The job fair aims to facilitate job seekers to meet industry and enterprises and vice versa, so that they can participate in reducing the unemployment rate in this city,” said Andri.
Principal of SMKN 4, Wahidin Ganef, who is also Chairman of the Working Group on Vocational School Principals (K3SK) DKI Jakarta, said that a day job fair is attended by 16 companies engaged in the industry (manufacturing, construction and services) will recruit about 600 job seekers for various job fields.
“The interest of job seekers leads us to hold similar events in the year-ahead. We plan it can be hold at least twice a year with more participants from the companies,” said Wahidin optimistic. (Rachmi)