
Awesome… Animation breakthrough film of Vocational Students

JAKARTA, —starting last Thursday ( 24 / 10 / 2013 ) cinema visitors’ will get a different movie screening than usual. They will have a three dimensions or 3D masterpiece animated film talking about a child’s adventure. Then what makes it so special? This film is not a Hollywood movie directed by famous directors in Hollywood, but it is 100 percent made by Vocational students.

The film entitled Adi’s Adventure lasting for 90 minutes. It is produced by Batavia Pictures in corporation with Castle production. It is action comedy film which tells about vocational student’s adventure seeking National treasures. With his sophisticated robot, B10, this kid beat the terror from King of darkness Kokar.

Director of Management Vocational School, Anang Tjahjono said that the Education and Culture Ministry gives full support for releasing this film, starting from development process until finishing process. Moreover, Anang support them by giving the schools computers and teachers guidance.

“The process needs several years, start  from movie series into widescreen movie,” said Anang in  Education and Culture Ministry, Jakarta, Monday (28/10/2013).

Anang said that he encourages vocational students to produce some good works. By improving their own ability, he added, the students will be more clever and better in getting work with industry.

“If it is possible, the product is not only for practice but also could be watched,” he said.

The schools involved in making films are SMKN 3 Kasihan Yogyakarta, SMKN 5 Yogyakarta, SMKN 2 Wonosobo, SMKN 2 Jepara, SMKN 9 Surakarta, SMK Tunas Harapan Pati, SMKN 11 Surabaya, SMKN 4 Malang, SMK Bina Informatika Tangerang, and SMK Pelita YNH Sukabumi.

Anang added that, after making this film, the students will get a lot of experiences so that they have special ability to compete in workplace even in entrepreneurship.

“So, the teachers guide the students to establish animation industry targeting students to be entrepreneur,” he sadi.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s visit XXI and 21 cinema in your cities and support youth nations production. Playing at Jakarta, Tangerang, Bekasi, Bandung, Cirebon, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Medan, Batam, Pekanbaru, dan Banjarmasin. It will be coming at Bogor, Semarang, Solo, Malang, Binjai, Palembang, Samarinda, dan Makassar.


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